Function: JScms_get_folders
Señor FAQ

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Function: JScms_get_folders

The JScms_get_folders function retrieves all folder names from a specified directory, excluding specific folders if provided.


JScms_get_folders(string $dir, string|null $excludeFolder = null): array


  • $dir: (string) The directory path to scan for folders.
  • $excludeFolder: (string|null) Optional. A folder name to exclude from the results. Default is null.


(array) An array of folder names found in the specified directory.

Example Usage

$folders = JScms_get_folders("/path/to/templates", "exclude_folder");
foreach ($folders as $folder) {
    echo $folder . "\n";

Best Practices

  • Use this function to list directories for dynamic inclusion, such as templates or plugins.
  • Ensure the provided directory path exists and is accessible.

Common Issues

  • Non-Existent Directory: Ensure the specified directory path exists; otherwise, scandir will throw a warning.
  • Permissions: Verify the script has appropriate read permissions for the directory.
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