Function: JScms_clean_content
Señor FAQ

¡Hola, amigos! I’m Señor FAQ, the mustached maestro of questions and answers! With my trusty glasses and a book of endless wisdom, I turn dudas into solutions. Soy el héroe de los curiosos and the champion of clarity.

Function: JScms_clean_content

The JScms_clean_content function sanitizes and cleans user input while preserving the content of "code" and "pre" tags. It removes empty HTML tags, consolidates multiple line breaks, and converts unnecessary "div" tags to "p" tags for cleaner formatting.




  • $input: (string) The raw user input to sanitize and clean.


(string) The cleaned and secure content.

Example Usage

$input = "<p>Test <script>alert(\'XSS\');</script></p>";
$cleanedContent = JScms_clean_content($input);
echo $cleanedContent; // Outputs: "<p>Test</p>"

Best Practices

  • Preserve essential HTML tags by adjusting the allowed tags in the htmLawed configuration.
  • Use this function to sanitize rich text inputs while retaining necessary formatting for display.
  • Combine this function with additional input validation to ensure proper handling of edge cases.

Common Issues

  • Loss of Formatting: If necessary tags or attributes are stripped, adjust the htmLawed configuration to include them.
  • Performance: For large inputs with extensive HTML, ensure the function is used efficiently to avoid slowing down processing.
  • Escaped Blocks: Ensure the "pre" and "code" blocks are correctly restored to prevent loss of their content.
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