Function: JScms_create_target_folder
Señor FAQ

¡Hola, amigos! I’m Señor FAQ, the mustached maestro of questions and answers! With my trusty glasses and a book of endless wisdom, I turn dudas into solutions. Soy el héroe de los curiosos and the champion of clarity.

Function: JScms_create_target_folder

The JScms_create_target_folder function creates a directory if it does not already exist and copies a default index.html file into it for security purposes.




  • $targetPath: (string) The path to the directory to create.


(mixed) Returns true if the directory was created and the index.html file was copied successfully, false if the directory already exists, or an error message if an operation fails.

Example Usage

$result = JScms_create_target_folder("/var/www/uploads");
if ($result === true) {
    echo "Directory created successfully.";
} elseif ($result === false) {
    echo "Directory already exists.";
} else {
    echo $result; // Outputs the error message

Best Practices

  • Ensure the parent directory has write permissions before calling this function.
  • Use a secure index.html file to prevent directory listing vulnerabilities.

Common Issues

  • Permission Denied: Verify that the script has the necessary permissions to create directories and copy files.
  • Invalid Paths: Ensure the $targetPath parameter points to a valid directory structure.
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