Function: JScms_upload_preview_image
Señor FAQ

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Function: JScms_upload_preview_image

The JScms_upload_preview_image function handles the uploading, validation, and processing of preview images for database entries. It ensures the uploaded image meets file type and size restrictions and can optionally resize the image with additional options.


    object $jakdb, 
    object $jsUser, 
    array $lang, 
    string $table, 
    array $fileInput, 
    int $tableId, 
    string $ipa, 
    string $valid_agent, 
    ?array $resizeOptions = null
): array


  • $jakdb: (object) Database connection instance.
  • $jsUser: (object) The user object for context.
  • $lang: (array) Language phrases for error and success messages.
  • $table: (string) The name of the database table to update.
  • $fileInput: (array) The uploaded file's details from $_FILES.
  • $tableId: (int) The ID of the table entry being updated.
  • $ipa: (string) The user's IP address.
  • $valid_agent: (string) The user's user agent string.
  • $resizeOptions: (array|null) Optional. Settings for resizing the image:
    • width: Target width of the image (default is 600).
    • height: Target height of the image (default is 600).
    • keepRatio: Whether to maintain aspect ratio (default is false).
    • watermarkPath: Path to watermark image (optional).
    • watermarkPosition: Position of watermark (1-9 grid).


(array) An associative array with:

  • success: (bool) Indicates whether the operation was successful.
  • message: (string) A success or error message.
  • file_name: (string) The name of the uploaded file (only on success).

Example Usage

$fileInput = $_FILES["preview_image"];
$result = JScms_upload_preview_image($jakdb, $jsUser, $lang, "articles", $fileInput, 123, $ipa $valid_agent, [
    "width" => 800,
    "height" => 600,
    "keepRatio" => true,
    "watermarkPath" => "/path/to/watermark.png",
    "watermarkPosition" => 5

if ($result["success"]) {
    echo "File uploaded successfully: " . $result["file_name"];
} else {
    echo "Error: " . $result["message"];

Best Practices

  • Validate file inputs before passing them to this function.
  • Set appropriate resize options to meet application requirements.
  • Ensure proper permissions are set on the target upload directory.

Common Issues

  • Invalid File Type: Ensure the uploaded file is in JPEG, PNG, or GIF format.
  • File Too Large: Ensure the file size does not exceed server limits (upload_max_filesize, post_max_size).
  • Permission Denied: Verify write permissions for the upload directory.
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