Function: convertToBytes
Señor FAQ

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Function: convertToBytes

The convertToBytes function converts shorthand notations for memory size (e.g., 8M, 2G) into their equivalent values in bytes.


convertToBytes(string $value): int


  • $value: (string) The shorthand notation for memory size (e.g., 8M, 2G).


(int) The equivalent memory size in bytes.

Example Usage

$bytes = convertToBytes("8M");
echo "8M equals " . $bytes . " bytes.";

Best Practices

  • Use this function to handle memory size values in server configuration settings.
  • Validate the input string to ensure it contains valid shorthand notations.

Common Issues

  • Invalid Input: Ensure the input string is formatted correctly (e.g., 8M, 2G, or numeric values).
  • Unrecognized Units: The function only supports k, m, and g units for conversion.
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