Function: JScms_get_table_data
Señor FAQ

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Function: JScms_get_table_data

The JScms_get_table_data function retrieves a single record from a specified database table by its ID. It ensures that the correct data is fetched or handles the case where no record is found by returning null.


JScms_get_table_data($jakdb, $table, $id)


  • $jakdb: (object) An instance of the database connection using JAKWEB\JAKsql.
  • $table: (string) The name of the database table to query.
  • $id: (int|string) The ID of the record to retrieve.


(array|null) The retrieved record as an associative array if found. Returns null if no record is found.

Example Usage

// Fetch a single user by ID
$user = JScms_get_table_data($jakdb, 'users', 123);
if ($user) {
    echo "User Name: " . $user['name'];
} else {
    echo "User not found.";

// Fetch a category by ID
$category = JScms_get_table_data($jakdb, 'categories', 10);
if ($category) {
    echo "Category Name: " . $category['name'];
} else {
    echo "Category not found.";

Best Practices

  • Ensure that the $table and $id parameters are properly validated to prevent SQL injection or invalid queries.
  • Use appropriate error handling to manage cases where no record is found.
  • Verify that the table name exists in the database and is spelled correctly.

Common Issues

  • Record Not Found: Ensure the provided ID exists in the specified table.
  • Invalid Table Name: Double-check the table name to avoid typos or nonexistent tables.
  • Database Connection Issues: Verify that $jakdb is properly initialized and connected to the database.
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