Function: JScms_field_not_exist_double
Señor FAQ

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Function: JScms_field_not_exist_double

The JScms_field_not_exist_double function checks whether a row exists in the specified table with two field values.


JScms_field_not_exist_double($jakdb, $table, $field, $check, $field2, $check2)


  • $jakdb: (object) An instance of the database connection using JAKWEB\JAKsql.
  • $table: (string) The name of the database table to query.
  • $field: (string) The first field name to check.
  • $check: (mixed) The value to check for in the first field.
  • $field2: (string) The second field name to check.
  • $check2: (mixed) The value to check for in the second field.


(bool) Returns true if the combination of field values exists in the table, or false otherwise.

Example Usage

// Check if a user with a specific email and username exists
if (JScms_field_not_exist_double($jakdb, 'users', 'email', '', 'username', 'example_user')) {
    echo "User exists.";
} else {
    echo "User does not exist.";
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