Function: JScms_isIPBlocked
Señor FAQ

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Function: JScms_isIPBlocked

The JScms_isIPBlocked function checks if a given IP address is within a blocked range or matches a specific blocked IP. It supports IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and utilizes network masks for range-based blocking.


JScms_isIPBlocked($ip, $blockedIPs)


  • $ip: (string) The IP address to check.
  • $blockedIPs: (array) A list of blocked IPs or ranges (e.g., [""]).


(bool) Returns true if the IP address is blocked, or false otherwise.

Example Usage

$ip = "";
$blockedIPs = ["", ""];
$isBlocked = JScms_isIPBlocked($ip, $blockedIPs);

if ($isBlocked) {
    echo "IP is blocked.";
} else {
    echo "IP is not blocked.";

Best Practices

  • Store blocked IPs and ranges securely and validate them periodically.
  • Use this function to implement security measures such as rate limiting or banning suspicious IPs.
  • Regularly test the function with a variety of IP formats to ensure proper handling.

Common Issues

  • Improper Range Format: Ensure blocked ranges are specified correctly (e.g.,
  • IPv6 Compatibility: Verify that all IPv6 addresses are handled properly in your environment.
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