Function: JScms_sanitize_input
Señor FAQ

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Function: JScms_sanitize_input

The JScms_sanitize_input function is used to sanitize user input by removing unnecessary whitespace, HTML tags, and special characters. This ensures that the input is safe for use in the application, reducing the risk of security vulnerabilities such as cross-site scripting (XSS).




  • $data: (string) The input data to be sanitized.


(string) The sanitized input string with trimmed whitespace, stripped tags, and escaped special characters.

Example Usage

// Raw user input
$rawInput = "<script>alert('XSS');</script> Hello World!";

// Sanitize the input
$sanitizedInput = JScms_sanitize_input($rawInput);

// Output: Hello World!
echo $sanitizedInput;

Best Practices

  • Use this function to sanitize all user-provided inputs before processing or storing them in the database.
  • Combine this function with parameterized queries to prevent SQL injection.
  • Test the function with various inputs to ensure proper sanitization.

Common Issues

  • Over-sanitization: If the input requires certain HTML tags or special characters, this function may remove them. Consider using more specific sanitization functions if needed.
  • Double Encoding: Avoid re-sanitizing data that has already been sanitized, as this can lead to issues with escaped characters.
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