Hook: after_render
Señor FAQ

¡Hola, amigos! I’m Señor FAQ, the mustached maestro of questions and answers! With my trusty glasses and a book of endless wisdom, I turn dudas into solutions. Soy el héroe de los curiosos and the champion of clarity.

Hook: after_render

The after_render hook is executed in the index.php file and runs at the very end of the rendering process. It is part of JScms's dynamic hook system, allowing developers to perform actions or modifications after the template and editor have been rendered.


DynamicHooks::executeHook('after_render', false, $jkv, $lang);

This hook is triggered using the DynamicHooks::executeHook() method with the following parameters:

  • Hook Name: 'after_render' - The unique identifier for this hook.
  • Default Value: false - The default return value if no callbacks are registered.
  • Context Parameters:
    • $jkv - The configuration array containing JScms settings.
    • $lang - The active language for JScms.


The after_render hook is ideal for tasks that should occur after the final rendering of the page. This can include logging, analytics tracking, or performing cleanup operations.

Example Implementation

DynamicHooks::registerHook('after_render', function($jkv, $lang) {
    // Example: Log a message indicating the rendering is complete
    error_log("After render hook executed for language: " . $lang);

    // Perform post-render tasks, such as appending analytics scripts
    echo '<script src="analytics.js"></script>';

Best Practices

  • Use this hook for actions that do not interfere with the rendering process, such as logging or appending scripts.
  • Minimize the complexity of operations to avoid slowing down the final output.
  • Ensure any output or modifications do not break the rendered page structure.


  • If the hook does not execute, confirm that the hook name and registration are correct.
  • Check for syntax errors in the registered callbacks.
  • Ensure no output conflicts occur that might disrupt the final rendered page.
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