Hook: on_admin_user_edit_tabs
Señor FAQ

¡Hola, amigos! I’m Señor FAQ, the mustached maestro of questions and answers! With my trusty glasses and a book of endless wisdom, I turn dudas into solutions. Soy el héroe de los curiosos and the champion of clarity.

Hook: on_admin_user_edit_tabs

The on_admin_user_edit_tabs hook allows developers to dynamically add custom tabs to the user edit interface in the admin panel. This is useful for integrating plugin-specific user data or additional administrative features.


$extraTabs = DynamicHooks::executeHook('on_admin_user_edit_tabs', true, $userId);
if (!empty($extraTabs)) {
    foreach ($extraTabs as $tab) {
        echo '<a href="#' . htmlspecialchars($tab['id']) . '" class="list-group-item list-group-item-action d-flex align-items-center" data-bs-toggle="tab">';
        echo htmlspecialchars($tab['label']);
        echo '</a>';

This hook dynamically retrieves custom tabs and integrates them into the admin user edit interface.

Example Implementation

DynamicHooks::addHook('on_admin_user_edit_tabs', function ($userId) use ($lang, $jakdb) {
    $pluginId = $jakdb->get('plugins', 'id', ['name' => 'Your_Plugin_name']);
    $pluginData = $jakdb->get('plugin_data', 'meta_value', [
        'plugin_id' => $pluginId,
        'plugin_item_id' => $userId,
        'meta_key' => 'user_data',

    $pluginUserData = $pluginData ? json_decode($pluginData, true) : [];

    return [
            'id' => 'tabs-seller-info',
            'label' => $lang['tab_title'],
            'content_callback' => function () use ($pluginUserData, $lang) { 'your_html_content_goes_here' },
}, 'your_plugin');

Best Practices

  • Ensure each tab has a unique id to avoid conflicts.
  • Use meaningful labels for better clarity in the admin interface.
  • Validate and sanitize data returned by the callback functions.


  • Verify the hook is correctly registered under the intended namespace.
  • Check if the callback returns valid tab data, including id and label.
  • Inspect browser developer tools for any issues with rendering or missing tabs.
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