Email Cron Job
Señor FAQ

¡Hola, amigos! I’m Señor FAQ, the mustached maestro of questions and answers! With my trusty glasses and a book of endless wisdom, I turn dudas into solutions. Soy el héroe de los curiosos and the champion of clarity.

How to Set Up the Cron Job for Email Queue Processing

JScms uses a cron job to automatically process and send queued emails in the background. Setting up the cron job ensures that all pending emails are delivered without manual intervention.

Location of the Cron Job Script

The cron job script is located at: cron/emails.php.

How Often Should the Cron Job Run?

The recommended interval is every 5 minutes to ensure timely email delivery.

Setting Up the Cron Job

  1. Log in to your server's control panel or terminal.
  2. Navigate to the cron jobs section.
  3. Add a new cron job with the following command:
*/5 * * * * php /path/to/your/jscms/cron/emails.php

Replace /path/to/your/jscms with the absolute path to your JScms installation directory.

Testing the Cron Job

  1. Manually trigger the cron job via the terminal using the same command.
  2. Check your email queue to ensure that pending emails have been sent.


  • Ensure that PHP CLI is installed and configured on your server.
  • Verify file permissions and paths are correct.
  • Check the server logs for any error messages.
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