How do I upload my logo for light and dark themes?
Señor FAQ

¡Hola, amigos! I’m Señor FAQ, the mustached maestro of questions and answers! With my trusty glasses and a book of endless wisdom, I turn dudas into solutions. Soy el héroe de los curiosos and the champion of clarity.

How to Upload Your Logo for Light and Dark Themes

JScms allows you to upload separate logos for light and dark themes to ensure your branding is visible and attractive on all background types. Follow these steps to upload your logos:

Steps to Upload Logos

  1. Access the Logo Management Panel: Log in to your JScms admin panel and navigate to Settings > Manage Logo.
  2. Select Your Logo (Light Theme): Click the "Browse" button under the "Select Your Logo" section and choose your logo file for the light theme. Make sure the file meets the following requirements:
    • Format: PNG or JPEG
    • Size: 1200px in width and height
  3. Select Your Logo (Dark Theme): Similarly, click the "Browse" button under the "Select Your Logo (Dark Mode)" section and choose your logo file for the dark theme.
  4. Upload: Once you have selected both logos, click the "Upload" button to save them.

Important Notes

  • Logo Formats: Ensure your logos are in PNG or JPEG format for compatibility.
  • Logo Size: The recommended dimensions are 1200px x 1200px for optimal display quality.
  • Preview: After uploading, you can preview your logos in both light and dark themes to ensure they appear as expected.
  • Updating Logos: If you need to update your logos later, repeat the same process to upload new files.

Why Separate Logos for Light and Dark Themes?

Using separate logos ensures that your branding remains visible and appealing on different background colors. For example, a dark logo may not be visible on a dark background, so a light version of the logo is used instead.


Upload Logo JScms

By following these steps, you can upload and manage your logos for both light and dark themes with ease!

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