How do I install JScms?
Señor FAQ

¡Hola, amigos! I’m Señor FAQ, the mustached maestro of questions and answers! With my trusty glasses and a book of endless wisdom, I turn dudas into solutions. Soy el héroe de los curiosos and the champion of clarity.

How to Install JScms

Installing JScms is a straightforward process. Follow these steps to set up your JScms website quickly:

Step-by-Step Installation Guide

  1. Register: Visit and register an account.
  2. Download: Log in to your account and download the JScms software package.
  3. Unpack: Extract the downloaded package using your preferred file extraction tool.
  4. Upload: Upload all files and folders from the extracted package to the root directory of your domain or subdomain. Avoid using a subfolder.
  5. Create a Database: Set up a new database for JScms. Note down the database credentials (host, name, user, and password).
  6. Run the Installation Wizard: Open your browser and navigate to /install on your domain (e.g., This will launch the installation wizard.
  7. Follow the Wizard: Complete the installation by filling in the required details, including database credentials.
  8. Delete the Installation Directory: After the wizard completes, delete the /install directory for security purposes.
  9. Login: Navigate to the admin login page and log in using the credentials you set during the installation.
  10. Composer: In case you downloaded the light package you will need to run the composer to install all the necessary packages.

Important Notes

  • Requirements: Ensure your hosting environment meets the minimum requirements for JScms (PHP version 8+, MySQL database). Click on the server information button on the bottom right corner after opening the installation wizard in your browser.
  • Security: Deleting the /install directory is essential to prevent unauthorized access.
  • FAQ: If you encounter any issues, visit the FAQ section on

With these steps completed, your JScms website is ready to go. Start building and customizing your site today!

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