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Learn how to use JScms

We will explain all features, functions, hooks, plugins, editor and how to navigate and modify your content in JScms. How to create pages, plugins, add your own language phrases and use AI to improve your articles if you want.

Functions JScms
Function: JScms_create_target_folder

5 min read time

Function: JScms_create_target_folder The JScms_create_target_folder function creates a directory if it does not already exist and copies a default index.

Hooks JScms
Hook: admin_menu_settings

5 min read time

Hook: admin_menu_settings The admin_menu_settings hook allows developers to add or modify menu items in the "Settings" dropdown menu of the admin interface.

Functions JScms
Function: JScms_remove_files_except

5 min read time

Function: JScms_remove_files_except The JScms_remove_files_except function removes all files from a directory except for index.html. Syntax JScms_remove_files_ex...

Hooks JScms
Hook: admin_menu_logs

5 min read time

Hook: admin_menu_logs The admin_menu_logs hook allows developers to add or modify menu items in the "Logs" dropdown menu of the admin interface.

Functions JScms
Function: JScms_remove_single_File

5 min read time

Function: JScms_remove_single_File The JScms_remove_single_File function deletes a specified file from a given directory. Syntax JScms_remove_single_File(string...

Hooks JScms
Hook: admin_menu_tags

5 min read time

Hook: admin_menu_tags The admin_menu_tags hook allows developers to add or modify menu items in the "Tags" dropdown menu of the admin interface.

Functions JScms
Function: JScms_remove_files_directory

5 min read time

Function: JScms_remove_files_directory The JScms_remove_files_directory function deletes all files and subdirectories within a specified directory and then removes the directory i...

Hooks JScms
Hook: admin_menu_news

5 min read time

Hook: admin_menu_news The admin_menu_news hook allows developers to add or modify menu items in the "News" dropdown menu of the admin interface.

Functions JScms
Function: JScms_resize_image

5 min read time

Function: JScms_resize_image The JScms_resize_image function resizes and optionally crops images while maintaining aspect ratio or applying center cropping.